
Do you have holiday traditions you look forward to? For me, the most memorable ones are for celebrating Diwali. My parents introduced us to traditions we repeated every year growing up – a prayer to Lakshmi (Hindu goddess of prosperity) and, my...
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We are finally ready to start selling our products for pre-order through a Kickstarter campaign! It’s been a long time coming and we are thrilled to be here. Pre-orders will start on Thursday, June 30th at 11am EST and we can’t wait!

My mom sings beautifully. Growing up, I would wake up to her voice resounding through the house, singing Bollywood songs as she did her morning routine. Music was always a big part of her life - my grandfather was an incredible sitar player and they would regularly host music parties when he was alive. Her singing, him playing, everyone else joining in - these are some of the fondest memories that I have.
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Becoming a mother has been the most fulfilling experience of my life. Nothing else compares and the satisfaction that I feel taking care of someone else who unconditionally loves and needs me is indescribable. But let's be real - it's not glamorous! The poop, pee, lack of sleep, worry and stress (to name a few) have definitely been overwhelming and defeating at times. I know there are so many mothers out there that feel the same way! With Jhula, I want to create a space and experience to focus on the fun parts of motherhood when it’s so easy to get lost in the not-so-fun stuff or buried under loads of laundry.
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